Frank Magaletta, Esq., LLC is your New Jersey Attorney

Frank Magaletta, Esq., LLC is your New Jersey Attorney


When you need an Attorney in New Jersey for an accident, civil litigation, estate litigation or personal injury, call Frank Magaletta.

Specifically, if you are in the area of Montclair, NY, Newark, NY or Essex County, New Jersey you will want an attorney with many years of experience. Mr. Magaletta has is an experienced attorney who will handle your case with confidence. You are in good hands with Frank Magaletta. He will guide you through the process to help you get the best results.
Save his phone number in your contacts so you have it handy because you never know when you need a good attorney.

Frank Magaletta, Esq., LLC
96 Park Street
Montclair, New Jersey 07042
(973) 509-0050

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